RBNC Summer Kick-off!
Note: You can sign up for more than one week in the same transaction. Add this week to your cart by completing all of the fields and click "add to cart", then hit the back button twice to go back to the screen showing each week of programming. Click on the next week that you would like to schedule and follow the same process.
Tip: If you are signing up for more than one week you can auto-fill your child’s information! Input the number of children, click the Register button, then just below on the right-hand side, click the "Auto Fill With" drop-down box.

Roaring Brook Nature Center Summer Programs


SPROUTS through OAKS: Students entering Kindergarten - 5th Grade


June 20 - 24: Summer Kick-off

  Spend the early days of summer exploring the forest, fields, and streams around the Nature Center. 


$250 Members / $295 Non-members

9 am to Noon (Monday through Friday)



 Participants should bring a snack daily (no peanut products please).

 Make sure your child dresses for the weather and being outdoors.  

 Please Note: Online registrations close at 5 pm on the Friday prior to class, but you can still register if there is room over the phone at (860) 693-0263. 

This event is no longer on sale.